
Contract: 0x32B053F2CBA79F80ada5078cb6b305da92BDe6e1 Ticker: $NEURAL

Total Supply 10 Million

Tax 4/4: 2% Development 2% Marketing

Blockchain Ethereum

Distribution Plan

Liquidity Pool 7,000,000 NEURAL (70%) - LP will get initial lock for 6 months, then extension to 12 months, 100% of funds from KOL & Strategic Presale

Team and Advisors 500,000 NEURAL (5%) - 3 Month Cliff, 24 Month Linear Vesting

Research and Development 500,000 NEURAL (5%) - No cliff, 6 Month Linear Vesting

Marketing & CEX Listings 1,000,000 NEURAL (10%) - No cliff, multi-sig, used as required

KOL & Strategic Presale 1,000,000 NEURAL (10%) - 50% TGE, 50% after 1 Month

Token Summary

$NEURAL was launched on March 21st 2024. The tokenomics and utility model for NeuralAI is designed to create a self-sustaining ecosystem that rewards users for participating, holding, and contributing to the platform's growth. The balance between incentivizing immediate utility and encouraging holding is crucial, aligning the interests of holders, users, and the development team towards the common goal of making NeuralAI a leader in 3D asset generation.

Last updated

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